Deaths caused by distracted drivers average 89 per year
By Angela Espinoza, News Editor
As of February 27, ICBC and BC police have started a strict campaign to lower the number of distracted drivers.
CBC reported that the number of deaths caused by distracted drivers now outranks “those caused by drunk drivers.” ICBC averaged that “89 people die on the roads each year due to distracted driving.”
Last October, ICBC introduced a penalty of three demerits for drivers caught talking on their phones, along with a fine of $167 for the driver. The rule also applies to those caught “watching a DVD, programming a phone’s GPS, and operating hand-held audio players.”
Laws were previously in place regarding texting and driving, and now come with harsher penalties, such as higher fines, for repeat offenders.
Liberal MLA Scott Hamilton told CBC that the laws will continue to change if the number of distracted drivers continues in a similar fashion.
“The British Columbia government may consider further penalties if these initiatives do not translate to improved behaviours,” said Hamilton.