
How should you spend the summer holidays?

By Isabelle Orr, Entertainment Editor



This was supposed to be the summer of Aries! Despite your best efforts, your go-getter attitude is going to get in the way of your much-needed R&R. Try to put your work aside and enjoy the gettin’ while the gettin’ is good. Plan a small trip with friends to get out of the city for a while!



The blue seas are calling your name! This summer, try and hit up somewhere with the biggest beach you can find. Warning: Be as diligent as you can with sunscreen application to avoid a sunburn or (quelle horreur) early onset crow’s feet. Gasp!



This summer promises to be fruitful in both fruit (farm fresh, that is) and fruits of your labour (I know, I know; gimme a break, okay?!). The sun brings a streak of competitiveness out of you, and nothing can stand in your way! Any task at work is no match for your prowess. Go, Gemini, go!



This summer promises to be full of interesting new friendships! People naturally flock to your chill demeanor, but this summer your dial is cranked up all the way. While social group hopping, be sure to schedule some alone time for yourself to recharge.



Do you hear that? It’s the wilderness calling! Take the holidays as a chance to get out into the mountains, forest… anything away from the city! Pack a backpack and a lunch and head towards the nearest clump of trees you can see. Warning: If you’re going on an extended hike, be sure to bring a pal. Lions and bears don’t mix!



Ooh la la—finally, Virgo gets theirs! Though this summer might not be the relaxing, extended nap you were dreaming about, it promises to be full of flights of fancy. Looking for a summer fling? Look no further. Someone is lurking right in your periphery (in a non-creepy way, I promise) who has the hots for you! Ahh, young love.



It’s getting hard to resist that travel bug, but you’ve got bigger problems on your plate! Like the old tale of the ant and the grasshopper, one bug does work while the other bug does no work, and then the no work one suffers in the winter (or something)! You don’t want to suffer in the winter, do you? Put the time in now and you’ll be chilling in a nice, warm ant hole all winter long, I promise!



You love the summer and the summer loves you! Like most things, you dive into the holidays head-on. Though you might want to do every single thing within a 15-kilometre radius, keep an eye on what is fiscally and financially possible for you. Don’t go overboard!



Party time, Sag! As a naturally awesome addition to any social gathering, everyone wants a piece of you this summer. Your dance card will fill up pretty fast, so consider keeping a schedule of each event you promise to go to (lest you be called out for being a flake).



Think about heading home to visit family during the summer! Though sleeping in your childhood bedroom might not be your first idea of a good time, there might be things you need to address that’ve been lingering in your mind for a while. Try going back to the root of the source—your hometown.



Big changes are in store for this summer! A job change, apartment change, or even something as small as a haircut— it’s in the cards for you. Take mental inventory of everything you like about your life and everything you think might need a good tweaking. Start there!



You’ve been through a lot, and now is the time to let the sun recharge you. Don’t do anything too drastic, and instead use this time to centre yourself. Reach out to friends and family to give you a hand when you feel stuck—they’ll always be there for you!