Understanding love language is crucial in a relationship but also, in family relationships and friendships as well.
Ways you can express heartfelt commitment to your partner, family, and friends
By Win Pyae Pyae Phyo, Contributor
Every individual shows their loved ones how much they care and are committed uniquely. Maybe it’s their family member, maybe it’s friends and companions, or even maybe to your significant others. These acts are done with affection and care knowingly or even without noticing. You may not be aware of them but as time goes by, these unconscious actions you show to the people who you truly love will gradually make you realize why you continuously act differently to certain people. It’s never wrong to start asking yourself how the way you express your devotion towards beloved ones impacts them.
Words of affirmation
What comes to your mind when you think of words of affirmation? To define words of affirmation, it’s the verbal communication that supports, empathizes, or uplifts another person. If I were to list a few words, it would be comfort, motivation, and complement. Imagine, “Your presence radiates positivity,” “You make my day better,” “Thank you for helping me and I truly appreciate it.” Such sentences may seem simple but deep down it adds positive, sentimental feelings to someone’s day. It adds pure happiness deep down to your soul and gives you the energy and encouragement to become a better individual. “I love you,” “I see my future with you,” “You are the person who made me become the person I dreamed to be.” These genuine compliments honestly bring so much gratitude and sincerity. The feeling of receiving these wholesome affirmations is inexpressible. You shouldn’t hesitate to compliment someone with sincerity. Avoid making demoralizing or harsh comments and critiques.
Quality time
It is not the proximity that is important, togetherness is the most significant aspect of quality time. What matters is that being in each other’s company and going about our everyday routines fills the room with warmth and affection. Spending quality time together is also a fantastic method to strengthen the bond. It allows us to share common interests as well as have fun and laugh together. All of these events contribute to the development of intimacy and exclusivity in relationships with loved ones, not just in couples’ relationships. Postponing dates, not paying attention, or listening, and distractions are all actions to avoid.
Act of Service
Let me ask you this simple question: can washing the dishes and doing the laundry be an expression of love? Absolutely! Just like the idiom “Actions speak louder than words,” this language is fundamentally about love displays. A physical expression of a thoughtful gesture. Their actions are done with consideration and willingness “Let me do it for you,” “I’ll take care of it.” Such phrases are spoken with care and consideration. Laziness, broken commitments, and putting additional pressure on your partner are all actions to avoid.
Receiving Gifts
Gifts and gestures show people that they are cared for and cherished. Many derive pleasure out of the thought and effort that goes into creating a visual depiction of love. In other words, it’s the physical manifestations of love that actualize someone’s feelings for somebody. Giving a gift is a demonstration of affection and caring since it demonstrates that the individual was thinking about you while you were away and wanted to find a way to make you happy. The gift also serves as a physical reminder of a special occasion, experience, or sentiment. Avoid giving thoughtless presents and forgetting birthdays or anniversaries.
Physical touch
Touch, physical proximity, and other types of physical connection are used to express and receive affection. Kissing, hugging, holding hands, and sex are all physical contact love languages. Touch as a love language means that tiny physical gestures, such as partners putting their arms around each other in public or snuggling up close on the sofa while watching TV, mean a lot for the relationship. Neglect and abuse of any type (physical or verbal) should be avoided at all costs.
Understanding love language is crucial in a relationship but also, in family relationships and friendships as well. Knowing your partner’s love language enables you to anticipate and satisfy their needs before they express themselves. If you know how to communicate with people on their level, you are less likely to encounter misunderstandings and difficulties. The more fluent the love language between you and your partner, the deeper the level of the connection and the stronger the bond.