Saying ‘it’s a good thing you’re pretty’ is incredibly rude
By Jessica Berget, Editor-in-Chief
I often hear this when someone makes a silly mistake or says something that sounds stupid; “It’s a good thing you’re pretty!” Or just plainly, “You’re so pretty,” accompanied with a dose of heavy sarcasm. Whenever I hear it, without fail I can’t help but think how rude and inappropriate that is to say to someone. Some laugh it off and maybe take it as some sort of back-handed compliment, but I consider it to be a tremendous insult.
“Oh well it’s just a joke. It’s not that deep. Why are you writing 500 words about this?” you’re probably thinking to yourself as you read this. That’s fair; it is just a joke, maybe I should just forget about it. Except for the fact that it’s not even funny, and it makes people feel bad. I’m no George Carlin or some other big-shot comedian, but I’m pretty sure that’s not how a joke works.
Saying such drivel to someone implies that all they are good for is being attractive and that they have no substance or intelligence—that someone’s attractiveness is their most redeemable quality. This is a weird and fucked up thing to say to another human being. Furthermore, isn’t this phrase a little outdated?
I feel like this is something that was commonly said in the ‘60s or a time where it was okay to be an outright dick to people for no good reason. I can imagine some old business guy in a three-piece suit with a cigarette dangling out of his mouth making fun of his waitress for a simple mistake like forgetting to bring the ketchup, “It’s a good thing you’re pretty, toots!” We are so far past that time now as a society, so why are there still some people out there who say this and think it’s okay? You may think this is a phrase that is mostly directed at women, but I’ve heard many men on the receiving end of this annoying phrase as well. I’ve also heard many women be the ones to say it. In any and every case, it’s rude and inappropriate.
If the quote were finished it would probably end with something along the lines of “it’s a good thing you’re pretty because you got nothing else going for you.” You may as well just say, “you’re hot. Too bad you’re as dumb as a stick.” Literally every single person on this earth has said something stupid, asked a question they already knew the answer to, or has had a brainfart about a small piece of information. That doesn’t mean they’re not smart and it definitely doesn’t give you a reason to belittle their intelligence.