This is not my jam

Have you heard of Audible? Chances are if you have surfed the Internet at all in the past year or so, you have. It seems like every web or YouTube celebrity has a sponsorship from Audible, and is therefore required to promote it—over and over again. The advertisements may be annoying but is the actual service worth trying out?


Comic Corner: Bored to death

If you love zombies and have existed within society for the past few years, you’ve likely heard about The Walking Dead. The award-winning television show began as a successful comic series written by Robert Kirkman and featuring art by a plethora of talented contributors including


DIY Beauty

Everyone wants bright, healthy skin. But as someone with very sensitive skin, I find it difficult to trust too many mass-produced toners. Many of them contain medical grade alcohol, which is drying and also painful to anyone suffering from acne, rosacea, or any number of other skin conditions.


Meatless Monday

Start by heating your oven to 400 F, then take your halved spaghetti squash and lay it, flat-side down, on a baking sheet. Once your oven is heated up, roast the squash for about 40-50 minutes, or until the squash has softened.