Believe it or not, they are a struggle
By Tania Arora, Staff Writer
The sensual appeal of a woman has regularly been judged by her breast size. The bigger, the better. It is now such an important aspect that technology has evolved material and procedures that make breasts look thicker, pushed up, tighter and most importantly, sexier.
They are more significant than any other body part or organ. Each one of us has discussed women’s boob sizes, shapes, and nipples—yet we never discuss how what a tiresome task it is to carry these sacks of fat, as well as making sure they look appropriate all the time.
Physical activity
Ever wonder why most men are more physically active than the opposite gender? How they can run faster, wear loose t-shirts or nothing at all? Women must wear the tightest of all sports bras, because when those balls move left to right, top to bottom, or front and back… it hurts.
I was always a sports enthusiast when growing up, but gradually I started drifting away from physical activity because my body weight—especially my breast weight—would bother me. My breasts may be conventionally considered a desirable size by society, so my physical appeal as a woman is judged by my breast size and nothing else. No one really ever seems bothered about why that is. Trust me when I say that basically every second girl has to suffer because of her breasts.
Cover them up
Why are we supposed to cover them up? Why does the law say that every woman is supposed to keep her breasts covered while men can walk around shirtless? The nipple of a man is aesthetically the same as the nipple of a woman. Why do they get to flaunt them everywhere? Women can’t have their nipples out unless they are prepared for a lot of stares… and all sorts of unexpected backlash.
The bigger, the better
This point has seemingly been carved into the collective brain of society. Seriously—the day a girl’s breasts begin to grow, it is as if nothing else matters more than the size of those balloons. If they aren’t big, they aren’t good. All of this, just to fit a narrow definition of womanhood.
Part of everyday routine
Can we all accept that carrying breasts, or rather carrying them and making sure they look elegant, is a part of many’s everyday routine?! From deciding on what bra to wear every day, taking them off when no one is around, or even wearing them again if someone is coming over for a visit.
Not just that, depending upon the destination, the pattern changes. Going to the gym calls for a sports bra, a party calls for push up bra, works calls for full coverage bra, night calls for no bra, sex calls for a sexy bra. The list just goes on and on.
I believe this will go on forever, but can we take a moment to appreciate the human beings on this earth with those big breasts and the hard work, both physical and mental, they put in to maintain the girls? And can we not judge them in any way possible or for any reason, for their size? K, thanks.