By Jessica Berget, Editor-in-Chief
With February coming to an end and the season of spring just around the corner, put some spring in your step with these events around the college this week.
Book Launch: Craft Beer Culture and Modern Medievalism
On Thursday February 27, Douglas College English instructor Noelle Philips will be presenting and reading from her new book Craft Beer Culture and Modern Medievalism: Brewing Dissent. The event will be held in the Laura C. Muir Theatre foyer and Amelia Douglas gallery at the New West campus from 4:30 to 7:30 pm. It is free and open to the public. Refreshments will be served and a cash bar serving craft beer will be available. The book analyzes the craft beer culture with Philips’ experience as a medievalist academic and explores the connections between the two topics.
A Spotlight on Research: Sexual Experiences on Campus
On Friday February 28, the college will be hosting an event called “Sexual Health, Sexual Experiences, and Unwanted Sexual Contact: A 60 Day Student Diary” in the Aboriginal Gathering room (room 4650) from 3 to 5 pm (with refreshments). The event includes a presentation by Katelin Albert PhD about her research project regarding student’s unwanted sexual experiences and mental health on post-secondary campuses. According to the event page, Albert is a visiting assistant professor in Sociology at the University of Toronto—where she holds a PhD in Sociology. Attendees are asked to register before the event.
“Part 2: Listening to Different Voices in the Process”
As a continuation of the discussion of social housing previously hosted by the Douglas, the second part of the event will feature the voices of people who have experience with poverty and homelessness. The event will be held in the New Westminster Public Library on March 3 at 6:30 pm, and the event is free and open to the public. Part three of the discussion, “Reframing the Narrative through the Arts,” will be held on March 27 at 6:30 pm. Attendees are asked to register beforehand.
Film Screening: Because We Are Girls
On March 5, from 6 to 9 pm, the Aboriginal Gathering room at the New West campus will be hosting a movie about a conservative Indo-Canadian family that came from small town BC. They must deal with an awful family secret regarding sexual abuse. The movie focuses on the two sisters who decided to come forward about this to protect their families. The films director, Baljit Sangra, will be on the panel discussing the film after.