Join in on two Douglas literary events this week
By Angela Espinoza, Arts Editor
This week things are getting down and wordy on and off campus! Literature comes alive as the 2012 installment of Writers Unplugged makes a return this Thursday. Then on Saturday, join English instructor Elizabeth Bachinsky as she launches her new book, I Don’t Feel So Good.
First off though, we keep things on campus as students, friends, and faculty get together to read and discuss the art of creative writing. Guest speaker Jenn Farrell will be stopping by to read a few of her own works, and will stick around afterwards for the discussion part of the event. Students will also be taking to the mic as a number of young creative writers will be reading some of their original works to the crowd—including yours truly.
The event is bound to be equal parts informative and fun, as we’re anticipating a cool and open crowd. It does take some courage to get up there and read works outside of a class workshop, so expect plenty of honest innocence and a delightfully quirky crowd. The addition of Farrell to the mix will also allow young creative writers and those interested in creative writing to get a look from the business side of things; if an event like this is anything, it’s very real. Expect some refreshments for the evening, but if you need some liquid courage before a reading, you might have to wander off campus first. Writers Unplugged will be taking place Thursday, November 15 from 7 to 9:30 p.m. in The Douglas Room (lower cafeteria).
As for Saturday, head down to the W2 Media Café (111 W. Hastings St.) in Vancouver and party it up with the ever-cool Bachinsky as she debuts her brand new book. I Don’t Feel So Good contains selected writings from journal entries and notes by Bachinsky from 1986 to 2012. It’s an honest book that takes the angle of personal narrative, so know what you’re getting into when you open this book.
While the Writers Unplugged event is free, Bachinsky’s book launch is $20 a ticket—however, before you scoff, that price includes a copy of the new book. On top of that, music will be accompanying the event, as Jamie Cullen, Morgan Greenwood, and TOTAL ICE play throughout the night.
Now, if all of that doesn’t entice you to go, then know this: all proceeds will be going towards the Chris Reimer Legacy Fund Society, which organizes a scholarship for young and up-and-coming artists.