War of the Words: is health important?
By Joseph Astana, Contributor
People can make whatever choices they want to make with their bodies, whether it’s skydiving or running with bulls. Of course, some decisions are better for you in the long run than others. For instance, being active and having a balanced diet with lots of fruits and vegetables is better than sitting on the couch guzzling soda and eating chips. I think that more people should be more interested in living a healthy life. You only have one thing for your entire life and that’s your body, so it’s important to take care of it. That is the best reason why health is important and why people should take care of themselves.
If you don’t take care of your body now, then when you get old you will likely be less healthy and resistant to the problems that come with getting older. A lot of the time when you talk to older people, they are worried about their health and want to eat well and stay active. Why not develop that habit now while you’re young and capable as opposed to waiting until you’re old? It’s easier to go out for a walk while you’re young and you don’t have bad knees or back problems. Not to mention, being healthy strengthens your immune system and can give you a better fighting chance if you get sick. Throughout the COVID pandemic the main comorbidities were old age and poor health; maybe some of those people would be in better condition had they started earlier, and the disease wouldn’t have hit them so hard.
Also, when you’re healthy you can be an example for the people around you. You might have kids and them seeing you be active will encourage them to be active too. Or if you have a friend that spends too much time sitting around you might be able to motivate them to do things in the fresh air. If you live as a healthy person than you can encourage other people to do the same as well. This will be better for everyone in the long run. If your friends are healthy with you then you can spend more quality time together.
I don’t think anyone would argue that health isn’t an important thing. As a matter of fact, it may be the most important thing because without your health you won’t be able to do much at all. So, since that is true, we should encourage everyone to take good care of themselves.