
What do the stars say this week?

By Isabelle Orr, Entertainment Editor


After a brief hiatus for shenanigans, I return to tell you what the cosmos has in store for you this time around the sun!


A classic Aries move, sometimes getting into your own head takes you too far away from the present. Think of something to ground you—seeing a friend, relative, or even doing something by yourself. Your feelings are valid!



Big life changes have been making you feel off-balance. Not sure how to get yourself back into the groove? Go through old tweets, blog posts, or Instagram pictures and curate as needed. It’ll feel like a fresh start for yourself!



Feeling burnt out? You’ve been trying hard to keep your head above the water. Thanks to your alignment with Jupiter this this month, you might feel obligated to take your low mood personally. Try to laugh it off—it’s all in your head!



Though asking for help might seem to be the easiest answer, look inward and follow your intuition. As your Uranus moves into the compatible sign Virgo, you’ll feel a need to reflect inwards on the self. Think about your own goals and motivation and work outwards. You’ll find all your answers.



The moon in Pisces brings great energy to you, Gemini! Though it might be tempting to channel that energy into less productive pursuits, keep your goals in mind. Working towards a goal can be more rewarding than immediate gratification!



Being in the thick of Pisces season dredges up feelings and memories from the past. It’s easy to dwell on old pain, but why do that when so many people are vying for your attention? Use this time to focus your energy into social engagements, gatherings, and parties.



If you thought you were safe from Pisces season, think again. You’re no stranger to feeling jittery and anxious. This time, however, try focusing on artistic channels. Draw, paint, sculpt—any form of creative expression will help you work yourself out!



It feels like things are coming up, Scorpio! Your hard work has really paid off. Don’t celebrate just yet—keep your mind focused on everything you have to accomplish before reaching your goal. You’re almost at the finish line!


Feeling those typical mood swings? With so much going on around you, it’s been hard to keep a level head. Use your down time for stretching or mindful meditation to come back into your own. Finding your centre is something that should be done as often as needed!



Though gossiping and complaining is a great way to let off steam, be careful who you confide in. Make sure you know who has your back and who’s simply playing the game. Good luck!


Even if things didn’t turn out exactly how you’ve hoped, you still have you best face forward. Keep moving along and pay attention to people (or things) you weren’t looking out for the first time around. You might be surprised!



This Pisces season has been hard! You’ve been through a lot of downs, but now it’s time for the ups. Reach out to family, friends—anyone who you think can support you. You’re almost there!