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Image via Thinkstock

Becoming faster, better, stronger

By Ayanda K. Gatsha, Contributor

The infamous resolution of fitness. It’s a mainstream cliché to want to get fit, quit halfway into the year for whatever reason, then feel so unsatisfied and swear you’ll get it on the next resolution. The following is an investigation to help to stop that cycle and get healthy. We look at what fitness is, what goes on behind the scenes, and from there, it’s up to you to own this 2016 resolution!



Firstly, nutrition is a critical component to consider. You eat, your body breaks the food apart and extracts the energy from the food, and then you can be as active as you want! What’s important about the food you eat is what it actually is, the rate, and the portion.

Dieticians in this day and age have verified the best way to eat is a personalized balanced diet of all food groups in specific proportions. The metabolism is understood as the burning of calories from food consumption which provides energy that facilitates bodily functions, helping you be more active. So with proper nutrition and sufficient hydration, your body will be ready to work towards your fitness goals.


Now, cardio training requires a good awareness of your minimum and maximum target heart rates. The best method to sort out these details is to go to a credible physician, or utilize gym machines that have been built for those assessment purposes.

The benefits of improving your heart rate will be felt when your heart pumps more oxygen carrying blood to your body because it’s been getting stronger and more muscular. Cardio will initially feel uncomfortable because your heart hasn’t adapted to your regime.


Limits are humbling, but like muscles, you can challenge them! There are at least 650 known muscles in the body. While their memorization is not important, it is crucial to understand the certain parts you will be training. It’s very important to consider all parts of the body rather than just abs, arms, or butts. Joints from knees to elbows are very critical in playing a foundational role for many complex workouts! When it comes to muscle, if cardio, diet, rest, and sleep are taken care of, all your worries need to be focused on is tearing your muscles apart, then letting the body do damage control and bring them back together bigger, stronger, and better!

In conclusion, take things slow and safe when picking a variety of active exercises, follow guidelines of gym rules, have a workout buddy to spot for you and help you stay motivated, and enjoy letting your body own 2016.