It’s up to you when to decide that it is lost
By Carlos Bilan, Staff Writer
While it is the standard that people define losing virginity as having sex for the first time, this may not be always the case. It is possible that you can still feel like a virgin even after your first time, and that is completely valid.
To start, what does virginity mean to people? For a religious person, it may be something dear and sacred to them, something that must only be lost after getting married.
For a non-religious person, there can be many different meanings. One person may think that their first time will be with the person who they want to experience something special with, like their first love. Another could be someone who considers losing their virginity as a rite of passage towards adulthood, so they are eager to lose it immediately in order to feel validated. There are those who think it’s nothing to worry about in the first place. And finally, there are those who actually lost it but felt it was anticlimactic, or maybe they still feel like they didn’t lose it at all.
For most, virginity is this abstract concept that seems to hold importance. This could explain why there are people that, even after having had sex many times, still feel like they have not really lost it. It could be for a sentimental reason, in that their first time was not special either emotionally, sexually, or both.
A wise person once told me that losing your virginity is not just a one-time thing like “BAM! Lost it.” You lose your virginity “in ebbs and flows, and little waves.” Your sexuality is not entirely explored in a night. Frankly, I share the same sentiment, and I think that is a better way of explaining virginity than its current definition, because it then becomes an experience, rather than an idea.
Virginity is a social construct. This means that it is a term created by people, and it just so happens that many people acknowledge its dictionary definition, which is: “The state of never having sexual intercourse.” Nevertheless, the emotional and psychological argument presented is one of the many reasons why losing your v-card does not always have to be after the first time.