COVID swiped the fun out of our lives
By Tania Arora, Staff Writer
The novel corona virus has disrupted everything around the globe. The severity of the jolt has been different in every region, but it has impacted each individual. When the economies started gradually shutting down the first types of businesses under the gun were cinema complexes, amusement parks, concerts, sports arenas, theatres, and other large gatherings. As a result, both production and consumption decreased.
Every segment produced by the industry requires a tremendous amount of money. The bigger the value, the higher the investment. Post declaration of the global pandemic, businesses and investors faced huge losses. Companies like Warner Bros, Hulu, and Walt Disney Studios will take years to recover. After all of this, even if investors are ready to fund new projects and producers are ready to organize these creations, will consumers be willing to step out to see the entertainment they have missed? Will we risk our lives for it?
Not many are willing to invest, especially if it’s overseas investment—due to border closure. The rent of the amusement parks, theatres, complexes, or any other venue is staggering. It is hard for businesses to pay them during the shutdown—after making no revenue.
Even if they are able and willing to, the ban on large gatherings will not allow people to come together, be it to shoot, celebrate, sing, or dance. The risk remains. Major economies are expecting a second wave. Moreover, if people get infected at any entertainment platform, who will be blamed or held liable, without any vaccination in place, the treatment could become nearly impossible and it may cause the cycle to repeat. Some actors will not be willing to travel for shoots and post-pandemic contracts will have provisions with regards to safety and responsibility if anyone is infected.
The segment of business that have gained are online video streaming are companies like Netflix, YouTube, and Amazon Prime. Their viewership has significantly increased. Such companies are coming up with new ways to add to the experience. For example, Netflix recently added a Google Chrome extension called Netflix Play, where people can join from their screens and watch a movie together. TikTok is the new online sensation at this point. People have found new ways to entertain and be entertained. These points show the positive aspect of the situation. However, it feels sad to realize that the days of Tomorrowland and Shambhala are gone.