Steven’s Man Cave: Same universe, different story

The Amazing Spider-Man 2’ PS4 game review

By Steven Cayer, Senior Columnist


One of my favourite fictional heroes is Spider-Man, who has long been an iconic superhero. That’s why I was excited to play The Amazing Spider-Man 2 on PS4. Beenox is at the helm again trying to make you feel like Spider-Man and I’m happy to say that they succeeded—in some ways. Unfortunately, the story of the game is not the same as that of the movie.

The game tells the story of a killer of killers and a powerful kingpin trying to become the top crime boss of Manhattan. It starts off with a scene all too familiar for fans: the death of Uncle Ben. You follow Peter Parker as he tries to find the killer and beats up far too many classic villains in the process.

Doesn’t that sound like an awesome plot? I thought so too. But the writing is so-so and what made it even worse was the absolutely horrible voice acting. They should have gotten the actors from the movie to do the voice-overs. There was only one voice that I absolutely loved in the game: Stan Lee’s. In this game, he owns a comic store called Comic Stand (but the “D” is out on the sign). Speaking of Lee, he was the only face that was remotely recognizable in the game. For a PS4 game, the graphics were terrible.

All that being said, I loved the borrowed combat style of the Batman games and the re-imagined web-swinging. I will always love Spider-Man and his games, but I wanted a lot more with this one.