A dream is a wish Douglas College makes

Itā€™s officially back to school season at Douglas College. Everywhere I look, people are lining up: whether it be to buy their glossy new textbooks (wrapped in cellophane to preserve their wisdom until theyā€™re cheerfully unwrapped in a panicked exam-cram session come late November), to begrudgingly pay their tuition fees, or to purchase extra-large coffees in preparation for the study-filled days to come.

And, for the first time in a long time, Iā€™m not a part of those line-ups.

I graduated from the Print Futures: Professional Writing program last spring, and put my academic hat on a shelf between my dancing shoes and my fancy pants. So, this fall is the first time in nearly 10 years that I wonā€™t be part of the back to school rushā€”and, while Iā€™m a little bit sad to be left out, Iā€™m also thrilled to be literally living my dream life as a freelance writer and editor.

The reason I spent so many years in school is that I wasted a long time trying to do things for other people: I went to university for my parents, I had a series of high-paying (but so soulless) jobs to support my significant others, and I put off my real career because my friends said it was unrealistic and that Carrie Bradshawā€™s life was a fairy tale.

Well, Douglas College ainā€™t no Magic Kingdom, but it is a place where dreams come true.

So, students, as your bright faces fill the hallways, I wish you all the best of luck for the 2012/2013 school year. No matter how hard it gets (and, letā€™s face it, it probably wonā€™t be easy), I hope you persevere and, most importantly, enjoy yourself. In the long run, work will take up more than half your lifeā€”so fight to learn how to do what you love.

But, then again, what do I know?


Sharon Miki, Editor in chief