Anvil Centre sitting idle

NEWS_Anvil Centre

New West conference centre remains tenantless

By Angela Espinoza, News Editor

Despite officially opening on September 14, 2014, New Westminster’s $41.5-million Anvil Centre has yet to receive tenants now six months later.

Business Vancouver reported that the building has been “vacant” since its completion. While the building has served as a conference centre for past events and has future bookings, no businesses are located within the centre’s office tower structure.

Boasting 137,000 square feet, the 14-storey building was built with the intent of being a multi-purpose centre for the city. CRS Group of Companies co-owns the centre, with CEO Suki Sekhon telling Business Vancouver, “This is a long-term vision.

“You don’t want to put in tenants for the sake of putting them in. We prefer to have a good tenant mix there.”

Reportedly Sekhon stated getting tenants will likely be a one-to-two-year process.