Autumn leaf photo story

Photo by Billy Bui

Check out these beautiful November scenes
By Nhi ‘Jenny’ Vo, Production Assistant

Dear Santa,

We have no idea how we got here; it’s November and the leaves are changing colours. I only have a blurry image of how this year went. A month ago, we were making plans and new year resolutions for the upcoming decade. A week ago, we were not allowed to pet random dogs on the streets, dine in at our favourite ramen places, and give high fives to our best buddies.

A day ago, it was 35 degrees, and we were trying so hard to keep a six-foot distance from the hottest people in swimsuits crossing us at the beach. An hour ago, it became compulsory to dress up as ninjas to get on the bus and almost everywhere else. A minute ago, we had to get away from the Netflix couch to buy ourselves Halloween candies. A second ago, we were laughing at the US election as if it were the year 2016 all over again.

Now, we are just dreaming about all the great presents we have a slight chance to receive this Christmas, which is coming right after you finish reading this letter.

Photos by Nhi ‘Jenny’ Vo

If there were only one thing on our wish-list (besides the 6000-piece Lego set of Hogwarts castle), it would be that things were normal again. The old normal, not the new one we have been talking about since March. We can conclude that not all new things are better—just look at the iPhone 12 (even though we would not mind if you decided to send each of us one).

All of us have been extremely nice this year, so if you could go ahead and make our wish come true, that would be great.

Cheers, Agent Jenny