Love is more than romance
By Mercedes Deutscher, Staff Writer
Ah, Valentine’s Day. Love is in the air, the roses are overpriced, and reservations at all restaurants filled up months ago. Isn’t it magical?
That Guy is not pleased. He hides his insecurities behind complaints that Valentine’s Day is nothing more than a commercialized day created by Hallmark. He scoffs at the Valentine’s Day cards in the aisles. He feels obligated to buy a box of chocolates, only to feel sad and eat them alone. He whines, “Woe is me, I’m single on Valentine’s Day!”
What That Guy doesn’t realize is that there is so much more to Valentine’s Day than overpriced merchandise and romance.
First of all, Valentine’s Day is not a Hallmark holiday. According to some stories, it originates from the martyrdom of Saint Valentine, who ministered the illegal marriages of Roman soldiers to their lovers. The romantic nature of Valentine’s Day traces back to the days of courting a woman before asking for marriage.
But enough about history.
It’s understandable that not having a romantic partner on Valentine’s Day may be upsetting. But to be fair, it’s probably worse not having a mother on Mother’s Day or a father on Father’s Day.
There are worse things in the world than being single. In fact, being single on Valentine’s Day is honestly better than being in a relationship. You will save money, you won’t be stressed from planning a perfect date with perfect presents, and all while having to wear perfect clothes. If you’re looking to get more hours at work, it’s a good day to do so, since many probably want the day off.
Valentine’s Day, while originating with romantic love, can cover different loves as well. Many children exchange Valentine’s Day cards with each other. I’m fairly sure that kindergarteners don’t feel romantic feelings towards the other 24 children in the class. No, this is a form of platonic love.
You most likely experience more platonic love in your lifetime than romantic love. What better time to celebrate the love that you have towards your family and friends than Valentine’s Day? Every February 14, I would wake up to a card and either chocolate or a teddy bear from my mom. She loves me, so she gets me a Valentine’s Day present.
At the very least, you can look at Valentine’s Day as “Cheap Chocolates Day Eve.”
Valentine’s Day for singles isn’t the worst plight. It’s all about how you look at the day. You could be That Guy or you could make the best of your situation.