‘Evil Dead’ is horribly entertaining

Arts_Evil Dead

By Angela Espinoza, Arts Editor


On April 5, the movie Evil Dead was released in theatres. As a huge fan of the original, I was very skeptical going in. So how was it?

In Evil Dead, much like its 1983 counterpart, five very unlucky young adults head out to a cabin in the woods. From there, a curse is brought upon them, and one by one demons attempt to make this weekend go horribly wrong.

Much of what’s been said in the past is that this is less of a remake and more of a new take… that is not entirely true. The reason this new cast of kids is at the cabin is different for sure, but plot-wise, only so much is changed. However, as one should expect, this film is immensely gory, more than what I think our tame PG-13 slasher-going audience is used to, so be wise if you’re thinking of seeing this film (by the half-way point, about five people had walked out of our audience).

The original film will always be my go-to, but Evil Dead is more than worthy of being associated with the classic series of delightful gore-fests.