Hi, so horny, I’m Dad!
By Cazzy Lewchuk, Opinions Editor
It seems to have come about pretty openly in the last few years. For some, it’s a joke, and for some it’s a not-so-subtle expression of affection. Girls refer to their boyfriends, crushes, or otherwise attractive men as “Daddy,” clearly indicating they want to be his little girl. You know, sexually. Nothing implies sex like a father and his childish daughter.
For obvious reasons, it’s pretty gross. “Daddy” is paternal and something many girls grow up calling their actual fathers. The stereotype and implication is that girls who call their boyfriends “Daddy” have actual “daddy issues.” Their fathers never gave them enough attention or love, and they try to compensate for it with a sexual partner. At an even more gross and Freudian level, there’s an element of “I’m sexually attracted to this man in a paternal sense and he reminds me so much of my father that I’m even going to refer to him as dad.”
Naturally, most girls (or guys) who call their partner “Daddy” probably do not actually want to have sex with the man who they most likely share 50 per cent of their DNA with. It is mostly a symbolic thing, just as calling your partner “baby” does not imply you are sexually attracted to infants. There is an entire BDSM subculture known as “Daddy Dom/Little Girl” or DDLG in which two people assume the role of what the title suggests. Dom/sub relationships are quite common even in a non-BDSM context, and this is merely an extension of one person having the “power.” There’s certainly nothing wrong with sexual practices of any sort as long as all parties are consenting.
Nevertheless, calling your man “daddy” is still pretty gross in most contexts. If you do it in public, you’re going to get some looks or silent judgement, at the very least. What you do behind closed doors is your business. But you also wouldn’t point out that you like certain positions in public, or what phrases you shout. Referring to someone as “daddy” probably just implies things that strangers would rather not think about. They may or may not be accurate, but I know I don’t want those thoughts in my head.
Personally, if someone called me “Daddy” during an intimate situation, I’d be uncomfortable and it might kill the moment. I may make a lot of stupid jokes, listen to Rush, and care about you safely getting home at night, but I’m not the man who raised you. Family members and sexual partners: Never shall the two intertwine.
Harley Quinn, a modern sex symbol, wears “Daddy’s Little Monster” on her shirt. This past Halloween, girls across the nation joined her in proclaiming that they too want to bone dad, or at least a dad. Hook up with a DILF. Shout a paternal phrase at the man giving you an orgasm.
But please, just don’t mention or show it where others are likely to hear.