How to deal with the TransLink strike

Illustration by Janis McMath

Some of the totally viable alternative methods of transportation post-secondary institutions propose

By Richard Dick, Contributor


Since post-secondary institutions have been responding to the TransLink strike chaos with little more than the very unhelpful statement of ā€œmaybe look into finding alternative methods of transportation,ā€ here are a few of those alternative methods of transportation that colleges and universities are ignorant enough to think are real options for us losers who take the bus.


Get a car, duh!

Your post-secondary institution really canā€™t understand why you couldnā€™t just think of this solution on your own.


Carpool with a friend, you broke-ass

Being one of the most common citied options, schools seem to think that everyone has a friend with a car, forgetting several very difficult steps in this process.

1) Get a friend: Seriously, you think I have friends on campus?

2) Get a friend with a CAR: so first you have to make a genuine friend, then when you learn that they donā€™t have a car, realize all your effort of adding them on Facebook, asking them what their favorite TV shows were, and listening to their stories about their mundane exam schedule was all forā€¦ nothing. Rinse and repeat this process until you can find someone you can openly use for their car and drop that relationship immediately after the strike ends.

3) Get a friend with a car that lives close to you, is on campus on the same days as youā€”AND at the same times as you so you can also get a ride homeā€¦ or else you have ask them to stay on campus to wait for you or you have to find SECOND friend with a car who leave campus around the same time as you. Also, you better make with the Naruto and BELIEVE ITā€”believe that Iā€™m not joining any of these ā€œcarpool with some freak rando that goes your school and now will know all of your personal information because everything is literally on your profile!ā€ Facebook groups that keep popping up.



A great option for those who live close to their campuses, and a literal marathon for those who donā€™t! Ready yourself 15 hours before your 8:30 am class and start your trek to campus for a class where the professor is just going to screen a stupid documentary you couldā€™ve watched at home. Optional: an alpaca to help you trek up any mountainous areasā€”and to keep you company when you feel lonely.


Bump uglies with someone who lives on or near campus

Pick a random hookup and ensure that it is a student that lives on or near campus, making a sleepover at theirs a necessary condition of your casual encounter. This situation was pretty predictable of TransLink workers: you always get fucked somehow.



Consider getting murdered like people did in the 60sā€™! How retro! Stick your thumb out near the road, the universal symbol for ā€œIā€™m too broke for a car, and too determined to get to my destination to consider the consequences.ā€


Astrally project

Open your inner eye, achieve enlightenment, realize the burden your physical body is, transcend your form, and adapt to your new spiritual embodimentā€”and then exclusively use this newfound meaning in life to attend your English lecture.