Welcome, readers, to the Other Press’ second annual Premature Love issue!
I had some trouble coming up with what to write about for this Lettitor, to be honest. I briefly considered writing about da bae, but I empathize with those who would find a 600-word piece on my happiness sickeningly saccharine. Let’s be honest, Valentine’s Day is among the most overwhelmingly caloric of all the sweet holidays, and I think I would blush with embarrassment if I spent editorial space on giving people cavities.
I also momentarily considered writing an ode to my IUD (which will likely appear in a future Lettitor), or about my love of food; I quickly bypassed those other options though, opting instead to write about girl crushes—apropos since last year’s Feature was on guy love. I frequently find myself thinking “Oh my gosh, you’re so goddamn cool” in the presence of one of my kick-ass female friends, and this Gal-entines day, I want to celebrate that.
The stereotype associated with gal-friends is that they drink wine, eat junk food, and dish about their lives—basically the realization of Sex and the City or any rom-com in existence. Ok yes, some of that is very much true: imbibing wine or tea with friends and talking about our stresses is among my favourite things to do. More than that though, I find that my really good friends motivate me to be a better person.
By surrounding myself with women who are intelligent, talented, hardworking, hilarious, and all-around amazing, I’m inspired to push myself. Their je ne sais quois amount to hilarious people with whom I can have discussions on anything from work, to school, media, feminism, reality TV, cats, food, gardening, and everything in between. Thankfully, they also make it ok when I skip working out in favour of watching TV and indulging in a delirium of Doritos.
I’ve never been someone who makes friends quickly. I’m pretty shy, so when I want to be someone’s friend and I think they’re cool, I tend to be intimidated and hang back, for fear of being rebuffed. My roommate, some of my closest friends, and even my boyfriend I didn’t get to know for a really long time because I was so intimidated by how gosh-darned intelligent, funny, and talented they all are.
That’s why I’m so honoured and delighted to lately look around and see all the amazing people in my life. I’m thinking up trinkets to send to my new pen pal in Saskatchewan, being neighbourly with friends who live in my neck of the woods, and realizing what incredible and supportive ladies I’ve had in my life for years. From my mother, to cousins, to friends old and new, to might-as-well-be-my-sisters, I want to throw a wine and cheese party in honour of all these wonderful women. Ladies, lemme be honest: I have a #GirlCrush on all of y’all.
I know that was more an effusive love letter than it was an attempt at any sort of argument, analysis, or even an opinion, but when else can I gush about my girl crushes? This Valentine’s Day, I hope you get the chance to share the love with any and everyone you care about. Have a happy, safe, and love-filled Valentine’s Day, dear readers. I heart you.
Hello gorgeous,
Natalie Serafini