An unexpected week after being exhausted
By Jerrison Oracion, Senior Columnist
“I was unconscious for two days before waking up in the Royal Columbian Hospital.”
After writing a lot of stories for the Other Press, working at the supermarket more frequently, and catching up on a lot of other things, I surprisingly fell off my bed on September 25, clutching a pillow. I was exhausted the day prior and found out later I was unconscious for two days before waking up in the Royal Columbian Hospital. No one expects to wake up in a hospital.
The first few days were fun; I was resting and watching a few films in the lounge near my bed. Soon after, I was transferred to another area in the hospital where I was to do a few tests to find out why I was unconscious for two days. In the first test, I participated in a MRI scan to find out what happened with my brain, which was interesting and high-tech. After that, I underwent a test where the doctors checked waves in my heart.
A reason why I might’ve been in the hospital I learned after going through a study on Atrial Fibrillation (AFIB) which are irregular heartbeats. They also did a few blood pressure tests, which were stable despite the stickers I was wearing having been accidentally removed at times.
Throughout the week, I ate various hospital food dishes including meatloaf, egg salad, and Caesar salad. As the week went by, I started to get less exhausted and still did my online class in the hospital bed as well as worked on a few articles, including the story you are reading right now, and a review of a film that is shown in the Vancouver International Film Festival this year—which you can read in the Arts section. By the time that you read this story, I will be fully be recovered and back to my normal routines.
To everyone in the hospitals that helped me during this unprecedented time, thank you for taking care of me. Also, thank you to the staff of the Other Press for all the good wishes of health.