Study finds arguments more logical the louder you yell them

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This and similar tactics make for a stronger argument overall, according to researchers
By Jessica Berget, Opinions Editor

Confirming the correlation between a speaker’s volume and the probability of being right, a fascinating new study done by the National Speech and Debate Association has found that the validity of one’s argument does not depend on logic or reason but rather the shrillness of one’s voice.

“Our research has indicated that all it takes to win an argument or a debate is to shout your position with an ear-deafening intensity,” said speech researcher, Ginger Aile. “It turns out being the loudest one in the conversation, no matter if you’re right or wrong, is a great way to strengthen your position. It also helps if you don’t listen to anything your opponent is saying or give them the chance to speak.”

As per this study, researchers have also discovered other ways to aid in making a stronger argument. They found that insulting your opponent’s intelligence, using racial slurs, immediately negating everything they say, bringing up the opponent’s age or maturity level, or simply using your gender as a counter-argument are sure-fire ways to make convincing assertions.

“After a handful of case studies, we found that once someone mentioned their gender as a counterpoint in their argument, they were seen to be much more persuasive,” said Dr. Ken Pepper, the leader of this study. “For example, when you are in the middle of an argument, stating ‘I’m a man,’ or ‘I’m a woman, so I think I know what I’m talking about,’ will make you sound like you know exactly what you are talking about, even if your gender has nothing to do with the conversation.”

Researchers also found that providing anecdotal evidence for something that did not happen to you, you have no evidence for, or you think you read something about (on a YouTube comment once, you’re not sure, but you’re going to use it as a fact for your case anyway) is another great way to strengthen your point. Furthermore, getting personally offended by your opponent’s argument, especially when it does not concern you, is also one way to make your point more convincing.

However, despite all these tips, it turns out the most important way to appear logical in an argument is to walk away and do it later.