Summer lockdown, having a blast

Photo illustration by Anastasia Simonovich

By Jessica Berget, Editor-in-Chief

Just when we all thought this quarantine was going to ruin our summers, some lockdown restrictions have been relaxed in BC. This gives an optimistic glimpse into how the future of this pandemic might pan out—if all goes according to plan.

As of May 15, gatherings of two to six people will be allowed along with many businesses and public institutions (retail stores, libraries, restaurants, salons, etc.) potentially being reopened. This, as well as the opening of provincial parks during the day and elective surgeries, dental, and physiotherapy to resume by the middle of May are some of the vital updates Dr. Bonnie Henry mentioned on CBC on May 6—to the relief of many. She also mentions that schools may be opening again in September and other places like movie theatres and camping may be open in time for summer but stresses that this is if social distancing measures are still followed. Best of all—many of us will be allowed to hug our loved ones again!

While it may come as a relief to many, some are still feeling the weight of this lockdown take a toll on their mental, emotional, and physical health. And with good reason—humans are incredibly social creatures and these restrictions tests people’s ability to cope without social contact—essentially a death sentence to some.

While the restrictions may not be completely gone, there are still ways to have fun with your friends and family without going out and still maintaining social distances. Have a distanced picnic in the park, watching a movie, or playing board games over video chat. If you have a car, go on a long drive or drive to a far away trail or hike. You can also go on bike rides or walks while still staying distanced. Tennis courts and other sports facilities will also be opening up by the middle of May, so you can also begin going outside to exert some energy and enjoy the spring weather while still staying socially distanced. It might not everything, but it’s the closest to normal we’ve had in a few months, and I already have plans to hug my family as soon as the day comes.

While restrictions ease in BC, the Other Press team also eases up on our issues as we move on to our monthly summer schedule. We’ll be back at the beginning of each month with a brand spanking new issue. Check for updates and new articles at our website (