Pre-planning Valentine’s Day with Dine-Out
With Valentine’s Day approaching you might be feeling pressured to make this particular night extra special for the one you love, or whoever you’re trying to impress off of Tinder.
Neat nudes
Leaning more towards peach tones gives whatever you’re wearing a very feminine edge, and when paired with lightweight fabrics it adds an effervescent or ethereal quality.
Imposter syndrome
[Imposter syndrome] was originally identified in 1978 by research psychologists Dr. Pauline Clance and Dr. Suzanne Imes.
Vegan Cuban picadillo
Let that cook until you can really smell cinnamon, as this means that the veggies have begun to absorb the various spices.
In times of major change or trauma, it becomes very easy to lose yourself—to essentially lose your identity—and revert back to a childlike state of being unsure and frightened.
YouTube’s cherry-picking history
YouTube vowed to improve their algorithm and their policies in order to fully embrace their creators and audience, but with the latest controversy regarding Logan Paul, I believe that this is clearly not the case.
Black is the new black
I love when fashion has a purpose other than just “looking good.”
Dystopic utopia
Utopia, as defined by my good friend Merriam-Webster, is ‘…a place of ideal perfection especially in laws, government, and social condition.
Explore Vancouver
When you think of Vancouver, and what sets our city apart from many others, often two things come to mind—the Skytrain, and the recognizable shape of Science World at Telus World of Science.