The new kid on the block

[quote style=”boxed”]The seven marvels that best represent man’s achievements over the last 2,000 years will be determined by Internet vote… so look for Howard Stern’s Private Parts to come in No. 1.
– Jon Stewart[/quote]

ByĀ Cody Klyne, Editor in Chief

I come from the Net. Through systems, peoples, and cities, to this place: *sigh* Regardless of whether or not my shameless rip on Rebootā€™s introduction carries any weight with you, allow me to clarify the significance of my nerdy, cryptic hinting: The Other Press is back online.

Itā€™s been a long time coming for us over the course of the last two years. From a site that looked about as fresh as last weekā€™s pasta leftovers, to a site that threatened to destroy your computer and overthrow the establishment (due to being compromised by what I can only assume was a Megabyte-esque villainā€”last Reboot reference, I promise). Rest assured, our new siteā€”which from its easy to navigate frontend, to its complex and deeply customizable backend, has been completely overhauledā€”is squeaky clean and better than ever.

So, now that we have oneā€¦ what do we have planned for the site? Good question! For starters, over the coming months weā€™ll begin the process of uploading hundreds of articles from over the course of the past year for your online viewing pleasure. While that in itself might sound like a pretty grand undertaking, and while we do have a number of exciting multimedia ideas in the works, we donā€™t want it to stop thereā€¦ which is where you come in: what would you like to see from The Other Press online?

Between your ritualistic stints of Facebook stalking and forum trolling (I kid!), take a moment to pop by the aforementioned URL and case the joint. Whatā€™s working? What isnā€™t working? What are we missing? Yell at us via email or the contact form available online (which jettisons directly to my inbox) and let us know. Also, this is the official call for ā€œonline friends.ā€ Whether itā€™s through Facebook, Twitter, or linking to the site directly, every bit of e-propaganda helps to spread the word. While weā€™re at it, if youā€™re a student with a fledgling website, blog, online business, or ground-breaking web 3.0 project, and are interested in doing some online cross-promotionā€”link for a link sorta thingā€”send me an email with the specifics and weā€™ll begin our wild and heart-warming journey as online friends.

Anyway, as far as this month in print is concerned, our motley crew of exam-liberated student journos let fly the shackles of the winter semester to tackle the likes of: the student tuition protests in Montreal, a collection of reviews and festival previews, the ineffable ā€œlogicā€ behind NHL suspensions, and much more! Not to mention a bevy of online exclusive content covering this past monthā€™s first ever Vancouver Fan Expo which, having been one among hundreds of gleeful attendees, I can attest to as having been an absolute blast.

Well dear reader, that about does it for me. From my desk to your eyes, I wish you a happy, healthy, and revitalizing month. May the fourth be with you.