Another faker lying to Canada
By Chandler Walter, Humour Editor
(This Ad was created and paid for by the Sarcastative Political Party Of Canada and in no way represents the beliefs of this newspaper)
So, this Tommy Mulcare character thinks he is suited to run this country?
He’s no fresh face; he’s been in the Canadian Government since 1994, and that amount of dedication and experience in governing our country is a BAD thing to have in a prime minister.
In fact, he is what you could call a “career politician.” Do we really want one of THOSE in charge of our country? Someone with the nerve to make a career out of being a politician? I sure hope not.
Tommy Mulcare began his political career as a Liberal, and in the 20 years since then he has shifted his political views somewhat to the left. I don’t know if I can trust a politician that is willing to change his opinion on things, no matter what worldly changes, personal growth, or educated re-evaluations he/she may ever go through. It just doesn’t add up!
Did you know that a disgraced mayor once offered him an envelope full of cash that he didn’t accept? I don’t know if I can trust the type of person that would be offered things by disgraced mayors, even if he didn’t actually do anything himself that would be considered immoral.
Do you hate pipelines, and believe that they will spill and destroy our precious ecosystem? Tommy Mulcare doesn’t believe we should completely condemn any possibility of pipelines in our country. In fact, he is all for two of the four major pipeline projects!
Do you love our economy and believe that oil and natural gas are precious resources that we should use to boost our power and influence in this competitive world?
Tommy Mulcare seems to think the complete opposite! That hippie thinks our cars will run on goodwill alone, and he even goes so far as to oppose two of the four major pipeline projects!
Since 2007, his party, the NDPs, have had MPs who have done some pretty bad things. We, the Sarcastative Party of Canada, are implying that the designated leader of a political party should be held accountable for MPs of said party behaving badly. Or at least for all parties other than our own!
Tommy Mulcare, a career politician we, the working class, mixed gender, middle to senior aged people CAN’T AFFORD!