Transit network consultation: Be heard!

Photo by Ian Fisher via Twitter
Photo by Ian Fisher via Twitter

TransLink asks for answers from community

By Aaron Guillen, Staff Reporter

After multiple times trying and failing to make users happy, TransLink is reaching out to the general public with a new survey taking place until November 6. Promoted on its website as a way to “get engaged this fall and have your say on transit changes in your community,” TransLink is hoping for Metro Vancouver residents to be a part of the company’s improvements to transit in the upcoming year.

“We strive to put services where they are needed most to support areas of high ridership, provide transit options in growing areas, and deliver a basic level of transit access across Metro Vancouver,” TransLink says on their website.

In order to keep everything organized, TransLink has created an “Area Transit Plan Program.” The goals that have been set by the transportation company, according to the Transit Network Consultation webpage, are as follows: integrating bus service to better connect to the Evergreen extension, decreasing travel time on busy routes, extending service to areas with high commuter demand, taking advantage of road and infrastructure changes, and creating a more efficient transportation network.

The system is being used to coordinate potential land use, and how it can be developed for future expansion. For example, New Westminster community shuttle busses will be changed to reduce overcrowding and improve connectivity. Additionally, it has been proposed that the 106 bus, which travels between Metrotown and New Westminster SkyTrain stations, will be split in half at Edmonds in order to improve reliability. Recent studies show that fewer than four people on average stay on the 106 after Edmonds, according to TransLink.

However, no changes will be confirmed until after TransLink has had a chance to get sufficient feedback.

“No final decisions have been made, and we’re listening to our customers so we can take their concerns and feedback into account,” TransLink Vice President of Communications and Customer Service Colleen Brennan explained in a press release.

All of these small changes have the potential to make transit an easier place to access come 2016. Just by taking the survey, participants will be able to choose which proposed routes matter to them most, and rate items on a scale from strongly agree to strongly disagree in order to share their opinions.