‘LEGO Marvel Super Heroes’ review
By Steven Cayer, Senior Columnist
When The Avengers came out last year, fans of the ever-increasing LEGO games series wanted to see their favourite characters in LEGO form.
Finally, their prayers have been answered.
LEGO Marvel Super Heroes hosts 155 different Marvel characters and has the most variety of powers and abilities of any LEGO game. From transforming into the Hulk to transforming into a teapot with Mr. Fantastic for absolutely no reason, you’ll be finding things out the entire way through.
Of course, every LEGO game has the basic collectables, and this game is no different. It has gold bricks, red “Deadpool” bricks, and minikits.
Instead of students in peril, they put Stan Lee in peril! I loved how when I found enough studs (money) in the level, Stan Lee says, “Excelsior!”
This game is one of the longest LEGO games—I’ve been playing for around 11 hours and I’m only 12 per cent done. Saying that, the main campaign will probably take you around 13 hours. The rest of the time you’ll be exploring the sprawling city of Manhattan, completing specific jobs for citizens, or collecting the different characters and vehicles.
The puzzles in this game are pretty basic, trying to appeal to a younger demographic, but the game itself is all-out fun whatever your age.
Basically, if you are a true believer, you need to get this game.