What’s on tap?

Quit your “wine-ing”—it’s just beer

By Elliot Chan, Opinions Editor

Wine drinkers are often associated with distinguished sophistication—and a bit of pretentiousness. At one point or another, we have heard a wine snob complaining about Merlot’s dry taste, or how they can’t tolerate the sweetness of Chardonnay. Well, it looks like alcohol snobbery affects more than just wine. Since the rise in craft beer’s popularity, beer snobs have taken the judgmental reins in house parties, bars, and poker tables all across the country—and they need to put a cork in it.

Ever since I acquired the taste for beer, it has been my go-to choice at most social events. There’s a simplicity to beer drinking. You don’t need to mix, or shoot, or anything like that—whatever is in the glass, bottle, or can is good to go. Sure, there are fancy choices, like the “Rolls-Royce” Wild Rose, or the “Louis Vuitton” La Fin Du Monde; but more often than not, I just want to be financially responsible and go for the “Honda Civic“ Molson Canadian or “H&M” Kokanee.

On average, booze prices in BC are some of the highest in Canada, and it isn’t even worth comparing to our neighbours down south. Whether the government decided to tax alcohol so heavily to help funding or to discourage drinking is irrelevant—the point is that if we want to enjoy a beverage, it’s going to cost us.

The truth is, I’m a beer-lover and I enjoy the fancy craft beers and microbrews as much as any other enthusiast, but the same way I don’t go and have a medium-rare steak at The Keg every night, I don’t splurge on the “la-dee-da” imports every time I order a drink, either. Whatever is on tap will be just fine for me. After all, I’m on a student budget. I don’t need you to remind me about that. So stop acting so high and mighty—it’s just a drink.

Some people consider drinking a bad habit; I consider it a relaxing way to pass the time with friends. Snobbery and unfair judgment, on the other hand, I do consider a bad habit. Truth is, beer snobs are usually unaware of their snobbery, because they’re blinded by their passion. That way most music snobs think only alternative music is relevant? Beer snobs feel the same way about beer.

Instead of being snobby about others’ choices, beer snobs/aficionados should share their knowledge and explain why they made the premier or the unconventional choice. Be generous and offer others a sip. The diversity of beer is astounding and it shouldn’t be a solitary exploration. Not everybody can afford to be adventurous every time they go out, so be respectful. After all, good beer doesn’t equal good times, but good friends do. Cheers.