Pipeline work stalled by curious critter

Illustration by Ed Appleby
Illustration by Ed Appleby

With all the oil to flow, a small one says ā€˜no!ā€™

By Chandler Walter, Distribution Manager

Workers on the Northern Gateplay Pipeline encountered a strange creature late last week as they were clearing trees.

The animal had evidently been living in the trunk of a great oak, and, upon provocation, jumped out at the workers.

The creature was orange of fur with a yellow moustache, walked on two legs, and stood at about waist-height.

ā€œIā€™ve never seen anything like it,ā€ pipeline worker Ron Dole told the Other Press shortly after the encounter. ā€œIt was just snapping at us with its sharp little teeth, brandishing its tiny yellow fists, and thenā€”of all thingsā€”it started to rhyme.ā€

It turns out that the creature was the fabled Lorax, returned once more to speak for the trees.

ā€œYou come with your axes, you sweat and you toil

To make this large pipeline to transport your oil

but have you not thought of the trees and the soil?ā€ The Lorax defiantly asked the pipeline workers.

It was not long until animal control arrived to capture and take away the ā€œdangerous and unstable creature.ā€

Pipeline work continued as scheduled, and the wheels of industry continue to turn.

Our recent reports indicate that the poor critter died in captivity, of a broken heart.