The moustache movement

Celebrating nine years of upper lip sweaters and selective shaving

By Jacey Gibb, Assistant Editor

Brace yourselves: Movember is coming

Itā€™s the time of year that girlfriends dread and pre-pubescent boy-men shy away from. Greasy prickles of facial hair spring forth on faces everywhere, making every moment youā€™re out in public feel like youā€™ve walked into an ā€˜80s porno sans the funky, bass-ridden background music.

But while most guys are busy obsessing over whom of their group can grow the grossest ā€˜stache possible, the real reason behind Movemberā€™s inception is often overlooked: the promotion of menā€™s health and an awareness for prostate and testicular cancer, as well as depression among men.

[quote]the real reason behind Movemberā€™s inception is often overlooked: the promotion of menā€™s health and an awareness for prostate and testicular cancer.[/quote]

Admittedly, Iā€™ve always found myself to be somewhat critical of Movember. Most of my friends (along with 90 per cent of the male population) look terrible with moustaches, and Iā€™ve always found myself thinking ā€œhypocriteā€ when I see someoneā€™s Movember fundraising profile still at $0 halfway through the month. But in an effort to shave the stigma I have about the cause and get a handle(bar) on Movember, I decided to speak with the most active Movember mustachio I know, Mark Guest.

ā€œItā€™s coming in a bit better,ā€ Guest reassures me over Skype that heā€™s honed his moustache growing abilities since he first became involved with Movember three years ago. But Guestā€™s ability to look good while pulling off a seasonal ā€˜stache isnā€™t the only reason he does Movemberā€”his father was diagnosed with prostate cancer when Guest was only 14. ā€œHeā€™s been fighting it for a little over 10 years now. My two uncles have also had prostate cancer and had to undergo a couple of different treatments for it. Thatā€™s why when I was first introduced to the idea of Movember, it was something I just latched onto pretty quickly.

ā€œOur fathers were raised to kind of keep their heads down about this kind of stuff and not talk about it. Itā€™s sort of that whole macho mentality of ā€˜Iā€™m okay. Everythingā€™s fine.ā€™ Men are generally more uncomfortable talking about health issues like prostate and testicular cancer, but also depression.ā€

Born in Melburne Australia in 2003, Movember has already managed to achieve global recognition, with over 850,000 people registered on the Movember website last year alone. But the cause is still very much in its infancy, compared with something like breast cancer, which has been receiving widespread media attention for years. In fact, Movember didnā€™t even achieve official charity status in Canada until last year.

ā€œThis isnā€™t the breast cancer juggernaut, where itā€™s been going on for years with ads on national TV. There are still people even in Canada who havenā€™t heard about Movember.ā€

The first year Guest took part in Movember, he did so alone and wasnā€™t able to raise a significant amount of donations. But in 2010, he joined facial hair forces with several friends and they registered as a team. Over the years, Guest has individually raised about $4,000 for Movember, in addition to all the money that was raised collectively by the group via organized pub nights.

ā€œOne thing I like about Movember is that we donā€™t make people walk or run 10km on Saturday mornings in order to raise money.ā€ Taking the place of morning marathons are pub nights that the team organizes, promotes, and then executes. Guest has also noticed that once people are together and Ā Ā Ā Ā Ā Ā Ā Ā Ā  get talking about issues like prostate cancer, a lot of the stigma melts away. ā€œI think itā€™s been hugely effective. Iā€™ve had multiple people come up talk to me about how their dad wonā€™t get checked or something. It creates an opening for a conversation about a very important issue.ā€

While the monetary aspect of Movember plays a big part in supporting menā€™s health, the moustaches themselves are the main driving force. Faces become billboards advertising awareness for issues that otherwise donā€™t receive a lot of attention. From what Guest can tell, the majority of the population arenā€™t familiar enough with things like prostate and testicular cancerā€”something he hopes to change, one moustachioed conversation at a time.

ā€œIf you catch prostate cancer early enough, itā€™s very manageable. That moustache starts a lot of conversations. A lot of my friendsā€™ dads went and got checked when they hadnā€™t yet because of the conversations we had.ā€

Prostate cancer usually affects men around the time they reach 40, but itā€™s also never too soon to get checked out. Factors like your familyā€™s medical history, personal dietary habits, and even your environment can all have an impact on things like prostate cancer. Something that I personally didnā€™t know was that prostate cancer is something that all men inevitably develop. The only thing we can do is make sure we catch it at an early enough stage so that it can be kept on a smaller, more manageable level. Testicular cancer occurs a lot less frequently than prostate, but the same stigma surrounds it. ā€œYou know, some people think ā€˜Itā€™s gross that the doctor is making sure my balls donā€™t have cancerā€™ but if you think about it, they also check to make sure your eyes work properly. So whatā€™s the difference?ā€

Now, donā€™t get me wrongā€”I fucking hate cancer. Already in my life, Iā€™ve lost loved ones to this shitty disease and Iā€™ve had to admit to myself that Iā€™ll probably lose more in the future; so the more being done to find a cure, the better. But Iā€™ve always been a bit resentful towards Movember. To me, the month has become increasingly more obsessed with who can grow the greasiest train wreck above their upper lip and less about menā€™s health.

ā€œSure, some people may not be taking the financial aspect of Movember as seriously, but thatā€™s okay. As long as theyā€™re raising awareness, thatā€™s great.ā€ Guest also defends people who might not have raised as much money as others, with a logical explanation. ā€œDonations for any cause are most often due to an emotional response from the donorā€¦So if my friend with no association with the disease is asking for money from the same people that Iā€™m making cry with my story, he isnā€™t going to get donations. But he is going to help raise awareness.ā€

With the growing success of Movember though comes more complications. At the moment, Movember is primarily run by volunteers, but as the cause grows, the need for full-time staff will increase. Guestā€™s comparison between prostate/testicular cancer and breast cancer especially caught my attention, because of how commercialized the cause has become. Everywhere you go, there are pink ribbons for sale or pink merchandise supporting breast cancerā€”something that Guest agrees shouldnā€™t be the case.

ā€œCompanies are just slapping a pink ribbon on things and donating only a fraction of a percentage while making a killing off of it. You know, thereā€™s pink coffeemakers and stuff like that now and itā€™s like ā€˜No, this disease is horrible. Donā€™t make it into some wonderful, fairy tale about coffee machines.ā€™ You try not to be pessimistic, but at the same time, you hope that you donā€™t see blue coffeemakers that arenā€™t really raising any money for the cause.ā€ Not all company involvement has to be negative though, considering Guestā€™s employer at the time of last yearā€™s Movember, Hudsonā€™s Canadian Tap House in Edmonton, made a significant donation to his team and are huge supporters of Movember.

Despite any worries of commercialization, Guest is preparing to once again don a moustache this month and is thrilled about how far the cause has come since he first got involved. ā€œThe nice thing is that over the last three years, thereā€™s been a huge increase in the amount of guys growing moustaches. Which means thereā€™s a lot more awareness out there. You donā€™t get that weird look anymore; you get that nod of approval. Most 20-year-olds now know about Movember and now itā€™s just about letting the older generations know, because theyā€™re the ones that need to get checked.ā€

Guestā€™s drive and motives behind his annual Movember moustache are incredibly inspiring, but I have to disagree over the casual Movemberite mentality. If youā€™re going to grow a moustache and take part in this amazing cause, make sure youā€™re doing it for all of the right reasons. Menā€™s health advocates have enough assholes to worry about without adding your name to the list.


ImageĀ L – R: Tristan Power, Scotty Sowinski, Adam Martinson, Mark Guest