‘Suicide Squad: Kicked in the Teeth’ review
By Brittney MacDonald, Senior Columnist
If you love comic books but are sick of all those goody two-shoes superheroes, then Suicide Squad’s patented group of anti-heroes is exactly what you’ve been craving. Digging out some of the most charismatic villains from solitary and forcing them to work their time off as a Special Forces unit is a great twist on the classic hero story—unless you’re easily offended by a couple questionable character redesigns.
Adam Glass took up the task of writing the “New 52” reboot of the Suicide Squad and he didn’t disappoint. Deadshot sums the concept up fairly well in the graphic novel when he says, “Supervillains recruited from prison, sent on covert missions, and injected with a nanite bomb so we stay in line.”
Suicide Squad isn’t just a catchy name: the team revolves through members faster than any prison system. However, fan favourites like Deadshot and Harley Quinn always find a way to stick around.
Frederico Dallocchio’s art style is very traditional, clean, and dynamic with bold colours. The only issue lies in some of the character redesigns. I had avoided this title after the fan backlash against Harley Quinn’s skimpy new look, but after having read the book I find it bothers me less because it fits with the new origin Glass has written. Also, the costume on the covers is significantly more revealing than the one actually in the book. However, Deadshot looks like a cyborg Ronald McDonald when he wears his suit.
I was pleasantly surprised by this book and would recommend it as a perfect afternoon read.