Listed: 10 ways to stand out at Douglas College


By Sophie Isbister, Life & Style Editor

Starting a new semester can be tough. Whether you’re new to school or on your way out, getting involved on campus is integral to having a vibrant college experience. Here is Listed’s 10 tips to help you be known.

1. Dress to impress—at least until finals.

2. Check out the events in the concourse, like the Week of Welcome and Clubs Day.

3. Go to every free food event that the DSU has to offer.

4. Spend time between classes brushing up on your billiards game at the DSU.

5. … and while we’re talking about the DSU, get to know your members and see what the Union can do for you!

6. Always have a smile on your face—this will brighten everyone’s day, including yours.

7. If you’re not shy, then don’t be afraid to speak up in your classes and befriend people.

8. Your teachers are there for you. Office hours are your time. Even if you’re not in an academic crisis, go, visit, say hi, and be known.

9. Read the Other Press to stay updated on campus news and events…

10. … or better yet, come to a collective meeting on Mondays at 6 p.m. in room 1020 at the New West Campus to get involved yourself!