
In defence of Sexy Halloween

By Sophie Isbister, Life & Style Editor

Every year during the run-up to October 31, countless people feel as though they are qualified to weigh in on the topic of sexualized costumes. Well, I’m here to add my voice to that cacophony, and to take a firm stand in defence of Sexy Halloween.

The old arguments against baring a bit of skin on All Hallow’s Eve are stale and tired. Dissenters say, “It’s indecent!” Or they express faux concern: “Won’t all those Playboy bunnies be cold?” And then there’s my personal favourite, “Won’t somebody think of the children!” On the surface, that argument seems to hold legs. After all, a five-year-old who is just minding her business doesn’t need to be confronted with the female body in all its National Geographic glory. But that argument falls like a jack-o’-lantern on November 15 when you consider that for the most part, adults and children operate in separate worlds on Halloween.

Halloween for children functions as an outlet for their hedonistic energy—and that’s right in line with the traditions of the event. Dia de los Muertos (Day of the Dead) celebrations in Mexico are held to honour the spirits of the dead, and the Anglo-Saxon tradition of Halloween involves dressing up like monsters to scare away potentially vengeful spirits.

All interpretations of Halloween point to a connection with the afterlife, the otherworldly, and the devil (plus any associated devilish activities). And so, kids celebrate their wicked side by running around and stuffing their precious faces with chocolate and candy until their exhausted parents finally put them to bed at midnight.

Conversely, adults get closer to their hedonistic heritage by dancing around and stuffing their precious faces with booze, also known as adult candy. And what better time than Halloween to wear something skimpy? There’s nothing to be ashamed of when behaving sexually in this day and age—perhaps we’re scaring away bad spirits with our unabashed and unbridled sexual energy.

Whether your Halloween is about the haunting kind of spirits or the kind of spirits that go nice with Coke and a twist of lime, it is likely that you’re living large to prove to death that you’re alive. Sexuality and hedonism pair well to this end, making the Sexy Snow Whites and the Sexy Lumberjacks a welcome and fitting addition to Halloween: Adult Version.

So this year, lose some clothes, invest in coat check, and get down with your bad self, because you’re not a kid anymore.