Steven’s Man-Cave: Hacker’s paradise

‘Watchdogs’ PS4 game review

By Steven Cayer, Senior Columnist


The day has finally come! I’ve waited so long to play Watchdogs, the highly anticipated hack ‘n’ sneak game from Ubisoft. It features expert hacker vigilante Aiden Pearce, who’s seeking revenge for the accidental death of his niece by finding the people responsible.

It takes place in Chicago and you get to explore every nook and cranny, doing everything from privacy intrusions to solving investigations. I found it very easy to get sidetracked from the story with everything else. Not only can you hack almost everything, but you can also hack into other people’s games and gain points if you aren’t discovered and killed for invading. The single-player and online multiplayer are actually combined in this gigantic, hybrid, sandbox game.

The combat itself is pretty basic for the most part. You have different guns you can buy and gadgets you can craft with things you find—like the blackout, which disables everything and lets you slip away unseen or allows you take your enemies by surprise. You can also use certain devices during car chases such as raising bridges or changing traffic lights, which raises the bar for racing games.

Where this game really shines is in its stealth combat. You are able to take out multiple enemies by hacking into the security cameras and using things like transformers and even their own phones to distract them while you sneak up and take them out.

After about 10 hours of gameplay, I was only 12 per cent finished, making this an extremely long game with endless fun. It’s more fun than Grand Theft Auto V and it’s a definite contender for game of the year.