Steven’s Man-Cave: Smaller video games offer big fun

Filling the time between epic games

By Steven Cayer, Senior Columnist

Over the past month, I’ve had the pleasure of playing many epic games, like Watch Dogs and Mario Kart 8, as well as a couple of smaller games that came out in May. These smaller games offer clever puzzles and emotional stories while not taking too much time to complete.

One of the free PS Plus games I played is called Stick it to the Man, a 2-D puzzle platformer that has everything in paper-form. It’s reminiscent of the Playstation game LittleBigPlanet.

The story features Ray Doewood, a likeable simpleton who gets hit on the head with a top secret government device. The device lets him read people’s minds and use their thoughts to solve puzzles in the world around him.

The entire game is very short, maybe five hours long, but it had consistent humour throughout. Plus, the game is free.

Another PS4 game I played and truly enjoyed is Transistor. Supergiant, the same company who made my absolute favourite iPad game Bastion, made the leap to consoles with this game.

Red is the best singer in Cloudbank until one night a secret organization called the Camerata storms the set and kills a man in the crowd with a giant sword called the Transistor. Red wakes up to find out that the Camerata took her voice and the dead man’s soul has transferred into the sword. The pair then sets out on a journey to track down the people who did this, with the sword narrating throughout the 10-hour game.

With subtle sarcastic humour and meaningful despair, you’ll go through a lot emotionally. It’s a roller coaster ride with a big twist at the end.