Ends up with triple major
By Chandler Walter, Humour Editor
Chris Evans committed the cardinal sin: he forgot to register for courses the very day of his registration time. Instead, he remembered mere weeks before the semester was to start.
“It was pretty rough, that first year,” Evans said in an interview. “All that was left were third year online science courses. I was hoping to maybe take some intro to philosophy, or an anthropology course, but instead I was in advanced biochemical engineering.”
Rather than simply waiting until the next semester to register for the courses he was hoping to take, Evans felt like he could “at least get by” in what was left for him to register in.
“Honestly, I didn’t want to take quantum mechanics. I didn’t even know what it was. But my mom said I would have to start paying rent if I wasn’t registered in at least three classes, and that was all that was left.”
Evans soon found that he had a knack for the courses, and passed the prerequisite test with flying colours. “I’ve always been a really good guesser,” he said.
Once Spring semester came around, Evans was determined to take the classes that he had wanted to take, including Intro to Writing Poetry and Communications 1000. However, due to a clerical error in the Registrar’s Office, Evans was signed up for Douglas’s two-year theater program.
“They didn’t notify me until it was too late to drop the program,” Evans said, “and my mom was adamant that it didn’t count as courses because it wouldn’t work towards a Bachelor’s degree. So I had to take a few more science courses that semester, as well as learn how to act.” Evans participated in a splendid production of Rent, all the while learning about the theories behind superconducting magnets and light-emitting diodes.
“Honestly, it was harder to learn my lines than it was to remember the mathematic formulas, but I enjoyed the costumes a bit more than the lab coats, so it all worked out,” Evans said.
Eventually, Evans did manage to secure a spot in the courses he wanted, and by the end of six years at Douglas had himself a Bachelor of Arts, a Bachelor of Science, and a diploma in Theater. Evans is currently working for NASA, training for the super classified Mars expedition planned for 2020, and doing a few Broadway shows on the side.
“I never really thought I would have ended up here after forgetting to register back in the day,” Evans said. “But hey, work is work. Gotta make a dollar doing something, right?”
In his free time, Evans still enjoys writing poetry at an introductory level.