AnnaLynne McCord was right

Graphic by Martha Alejandra Espinoza

People are hating on positive feminist expression and its disgusting
By charli pitchblende, Contributor

It was like all of the toxic masculinity reacted to her having the temerity to try to fight violence with feminist love and united in trying to crush her spirit and it’s disgusting.

On February 24 (or 23 depending on your time zone) Russia, under the leadership of President Vladimir Putin invaded its neighbouring sovereign country, Ukraine. Ukraine’s neighbours throughout the European Union were caught off guard and alarmed by the harmful actions Putin took and there was a lot of fear and confusion for people around the world. But the consequences were really bad for those in Ukraine; as a result of this invasion, millions of innocent people have been forced to flee and millions more have been forced to consider the horrors of a war that nobody needed.

As all this shock and confusion spread throughout the world and across various countries, a lot of people felt the need to contribute their voices to anti-war activism. I mean, it makes sense, war is a scary time and people want to prevent it. Why shouldn’t those who can go to a protest or gathering not go? In Russia, those protests can land you in jail. Many people changed the images on their social media pages to show the Ukrainian flag, some people have been sharing resources for people to donate to, while others have tried to help out using their natural creative talents. Actress AnnaLynne McCord falls into the third category.

The former 90210 star released a video on February 24—the day after the invasion news had been broken in her timezone—as a powerful and heartfelt response to Putin’s actions. The video and the poem it contained are entitled “Dear Mister President Vladimir Putin.” Throughout the video’s two-minute runtime, McCord uses her gifts as a writer to express the heart-wrenching agony of failed motherhood and the missed opportunity that could have prevented Putin from being a dictator. McCord exposes the way that unconditional feminine love is the only way to end the cruel evils of masculinity; McCord basically exposes the one way that could have prevented the psychopathy that Putin’s masculine drive has become. In fact, the feminist energy she embodied might be the only way to save the world from destruction.

But instead of people realizing the truth in her vulnerability and understanding the importance of the eternal feminine energy, the sheer power of toxic masculinity was harnessed to put her down. People mocking her on Twitter began to trend and many so-called news articles pushed an anti-feminist agenda meant to humiliate and discredit her. It was like all of the toxic masculinity reacted to her having the temerity to try to fight violence with feminist love and united in trying to crush her spirit and it’s disgusting.

Especially disgusting is the way that people have lined up to laugh at and shame such a noble effort. Don’t people know that the power of strong feminist motherly love can literally shape how a child sees the world? Don’t people realize that the gross masculine energy that Putin has displayed can’t be countered by more warlike masculine energy but only the uplifting love energy of feminism? People should really just close their eyes and listen to the truth of feminism and help us make the world a better place instead of hating.

McCord’s original post on Twitter has been viewed over 30 million times but the majority of quote tweets are just so negative. It’s like people can’t fathom that feminism could have helped address the problems of Putin’s lived experience and that if more feminism was used in the world, we wouldn’t have these problems anymore. If we could all just recognize how bad the lack of feminism has been for the world, we could turn it all around and really begin healing. McCord’s video could have helped that happen, but people are too polluted by toxic masculinity to realize.