Netflix Pix

Choices from Netflix to combat boredom

By Aidan Mouellic, Staff Writer

Bank Error in Your Favour, 2009 – France – 105 minutes


It used to be that if you wanted to see a foreign film you would have to go to a small rental shop in Vancouver or catch a screening at an independent movie theatre. Now Netflix allows viewers the convenience of enjoying great foreign films without ever leaving home.

Netflix proves once again that it is the king of foreign film selection by hosting the French comedy Bank Error in Your Favour. The film follows the tale of a servant who happens to eavesdrop on some of his employersā€™ conversations about insider trading.

The servant, Julien (GĆ©rard Lanvin), decides to use his newfound information to play the stock market and win big. Not only does he use the illegal information to gain personal wealth, he spreads the information to his neighbourhood friends, who also win big on the stock market. Thanks to his new role as angel advisor, the humble servant becomes a celebrated man.

Along the way, Julien and his newly wealthy friends discover romance and adventure, which makes for some humorous bumps along the road.

The film is delightful, immature, and fun. Itā€™s an enjoyable way to feel a bit more cultured while having some laughs.