Space Geographer Part 6

Illustration by Morgan Hannah

By Morgan Hannah, Life & Style Editor

Part five

The creature emits that faint clicking noise again, and all the hairs across my body are standing in attention. It’s as if the thing is trying to communicate with me. Can it not speak? Does it have a gender? Am I in any danger?

The creature is bipedal, extending from its keg-shaped body are long, toothpick-like limbs, the arms are twice as long as the legs and are dragging in the red soil behind the creature. The skin on each limb sits in loose rolls, like green 80s leg warmers. I take a couple of steps to the side to get a better view the creature, and it does the same.

Circling around each other like two cowboys in an old spaghetti western movie, I almost want to laugh… until I see the nefarious-looking nails capping each fingertip. At just over two inches long, the creature’s nails are sharp, yellow, and caked with dirt and other filth. What do you use those for, I wonder…?

As if capable of hearing and understanding my thoughts, the creature begins clicking at me again. I freeze. Can it hear my thoughts?

Part seven