Looking for an opportunity to network with writers and journalists who share your interests? Looking for a way to get involved in school activities? Looking for some meaning in life to stave off the loneliness of existential dread? The Other Press is hiring!
Deadline beaters
- Job Description: You will be tasked with ensuring that staff writers and section editors stay on task and submit their articles by their assigned deadlines.
- Experience: None required, though retired lion tamers will be given priority over non-lion tamers.
- Equipment: The Other Press will provide your whips, bullhorns, and executioner’s hood, so all you have to bring to work is a smile!
Tear moppers
- Job Description: You will be tasked with mopping up the tears of writers with broken computers, writer’s block, unsaved deleted files, and general angst.
- Experience: A background in janitorial work, as well as training in the field of mental health and counseling a MUST.
- Equipment: A mop and coveralls will be provided on-site, but it’s suggested you invest in sturdy rubber boots that can withstand exposure to copious amounts of salt water.
Grammar Nazis
- Job Description: You will be tasked with helping our editors find grammar errors down to the absolute minutiae. Keeping the Other Press content in line with our style guide is of the utmost importance.
- Experience: Must have a Masters in English Studies. Must not be a literal Nazi.
- Equipment: Bring your own magnifying glass and whatever dog-eared, highlighted, ancient grammar bible you hold most dear to your heart.
Format clerics
- Job Description: You will be tasked with praying over the paper as the layout for the physical copies and the online publication comes together to ensure that no errors or glitches occur between design and distribution.
- Experience: Must be at least somewhat ordained as a Holy Person in your faith—sainthood preferred but not required.
- Equipment: Please bring whatever materials necessary for focusing your unworldly powers to bless our product and the hardworking graphics and layout team behind it all. DON’T pour Holy Water on the monitors—that’s how the last guy got fired.