5 ways to look at a cat

Illustration by CJ Sommerfeld

By CJ Sommerfeld, Staff Writer


from above
shoots of see-thru wheat whisk
the air        where
they inhale
intergalactic ears move     brisk


does the are memories in the brain
stand for cats?
—will they ever remember who reigns
royal authority                      sovereigns 
all hail a description Egyption
inscriptions of depictions majestic


a mischosen mischievous moggy
who mischaracterized their mirror
an apology          received too late
his fur: coffee     sharp and disagreeable   bitter
he topples a small pot of Indian ink
i berate   grimmer


into their eyes
nostalgic common marbles
quizzical        questioningly
an ease—like listening
to the pop standard  Witchcraft:
Carolyn Leigh


a counterpart quick-witted
sofa scratched
teeth           patience gritted
she’ll sit on your keyboard—it did
shell printed   fur from afar
from afar fur patterned Sanskritic
eyes engaged       analytic
your cat is your biggest critic