Letter to the Editor: Some overdue advice

Better late than never

By Klara Woldenga, Humour Editor


For the past 37 years I have read the Other Press student newspaper. It has brought me back from the brink of insanity during the ā€œGood Television Show Shortageā€ of ā€™91, along with bringing me to tears during the ā€œturning onions into newspaperā€ initiative in the ā€™80s. I have stuck with this newspaper for a large chunk of my life, no matter what I happened to be doing at the time, which, evidently, turned out to be very little. Unfortunately, I have had something on my mind for quite a while, and only now do I have the courage to express my thoughts.

Over the years Iā€™ve seen your brilliant advancement in news coverage and how your illustrations just keep improving as the years pass, but thereā€™s one thing I havenā€™t seen change for the better. In all my 37 years of reading your fine publication, the taste of your paper has never gotten any better.

Iā€™ve tried frying it, Iā€™ve tried putting it in stews, yet nothing improves the flavour of your pages. Iā€™ve tried shredding it and cubing it. Iā€™ve tried folding it into paper swans and eating those raw. Iā€™ve tried mailing it to myself and eating it after itā€™s been around the block and touched by the hands of several mail deliverers. Iā€™ve also tried eating only certain parts of the paper, keeping away from ink-heavy sections such as large illustrations, or the recently defunct sports section, but alas, this does not change the taste, although it kept my hospital visits down to a minimum for some unknown reason. Iā€™ve tried just eating the food-related articles, thinking that maybe they would taste better, but my attempts have proven to be useless.

Iā€™ve asked for advice from anyone who would listen. I am determined to make it work, but all I keep being told is ā€œJust stop eating the newspaper,ā€ and ā€œI just want to ride the bus, stop talking to me,ā€ or ā€œPlease stop phoning 911, this isnā€™t what this line is meant for,ā€ and none of these options seem right to me. So, I am writing to you to not only give you some well-needed insight into your customer base, but also seek your help in improving everyoneā€™s newspaper experience. Iā€™ll be honest, Iā€™ve thought about giving up on you. I thought about seeking other newspapers to eat, magazines even, but I donā€™t want to give up on your newspaper, no matter what it tastes like, no matter what any person or concerned doctor says. I will stick with you and we can figure this out. Thatā€™s a promise.